lunes, 18 de diciembre de 2023

Save the Children warns that the EU plans to lower the age of deportation of migrant minors to 6


Save the Children has expressed concern about the forthcoming adoption of the European Union Migration and Asylum Pact, which could lower the detention age to as little as 6. According to the organization, these children would be “locked up in centers while waiting for the outcome of their asylum procedure”.

“On the same day as the International Migrants Day is being celebrated, the European Union is considering arresting young children. Europe should be a refuge and protect children rather than detain and deport them. We defend a migration pact that guarantees, and does not threaten, the rights and protection of children”, said Andrés Conde this morning at an event with the CEOs of Save the Children Spain, Italy, the Netherlands and Germany.

The director of Save the Children in Brussels, Willy Bergogné, expressed his concern about this pact: “All the information makes us think it will be a deterioration in child protection. Not only does the age of detention be reduced, but also that it is proposed to lengthen that detention time with the negative impact that this would entail”.

Bergogne added that the detention is never in the best interests of the child. Children, families and other vulnerable groups “must be accommodated in an appropriate space immediately after arrival and have priority in selection procedures”.

The mental health of migrant children is another concern of the organization, which works in both countries of origin, transit and destination. “Reciting the mental health of the boys and girls who will be integrated into our societies is a matter of self-interest”, said Pim Kraan, director of Save the Children Holland.

“Since 1 in 4 people arriving in Europe is a child, their vulnerability and urgent needs must be at the centre of the final negotiations. It is inconceivable that it is considering not to consider siblings as part of the family for the purpose of family reunification”, added Florian Westphal, director of Save the Children Germany.

For the director of Save the Children Italy, Daniela Fatarella, it is essential that “every child who reaches European borders must be treated as what he is, a child, regardless of his nationality or any other condition”. Fatarella has recalled that the organization’s  teams are witnesses on a daily basis of cases such as that of the 3-year-old who arrived in Lampedusa under the care of an 18-year-old who found him in the desert and took care of him during the journey.

Save the Childres also called on Europe to solidarity with the countries of the south, such as Spain and Italy, which receive the arrival of migrant children the most, and calls for urgent action to address the “heartbreaking situation” of refugee and migrant children.

Burkina Faso’s leader conducts a partial restructuring of his cabinet


The head of Burkina Faso’s military junta, Ibrahim Traoré, on Sunday carried out a partial restructuring of his cabinet, including the Foreign and Mines Ministers, after his government revised the mining code following  the fall in gold production.

Traore has appointed Yacouba Zabré Gouba in the portfolio of Minas, which replaces Simon Pierre Busim; while Karamoko Jean Marie Traore -so far in Reginal Cooperation- replaces Olivia Rouamba in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, according to decrees collected by the burkiniese news agency AIB.

The move comes as the country’s gold production, one of Africa’s largest producers, fell 13 percent in 2022, so at least five mines have closed amid deteriorating security conditions reports the Bloomberg news agency.

In addition, Mathias Traoré will be the secretary general of the government, since the one who was in this position so far, Jacques Sosthéne Dingara, moves to National Education. The Minister of Communication and Tourism, Rimtalba Jean Emmanuel Ouédraogo, has become Minister of State. Stella Kabré will occupy Regional Cooperation.

Burkina Faso, ruled by a military junta since the January 2022 coup against then-president Roch Marc Christian Kaboré, has experienced an increase in insecurity since 2015. The board is now headed by Ibrahim Traoré, who starred in September 2022 in a raid that was considered a ‘learfriend coup’ against the until then leader, Paul-Henri Sandaogo Damiba.

Dios, la energía creadora y la obra predeterminada

  Archivo de Jesús   La naturaleza de Dios ha sido objeto de innumerables reflexiones filosóficas y teológicas a lo largo de la historia...