jueves, 7 de diciembre de 2023

Climate activists throw mud onto the facade of the Basilica of St. Mark in Venice


A group of environmental activists threw mud on Thursday on the facade of the Basilica of Sant Mark in Venice, in a protest that has resulted in the arrest of at least six people.

Several of these activists have used fire extinguishers to throw the mud on the south façade and a column of the basilica, located in the central Sant Mark square. Then several more have come together to display a banner on which you could read “Reparation Fund”, the campaign promoted by organization Last Generation.

The maintenance staff of the church itself have been able to clean up much of the dirt, although the architect of the basilica, Mario Piana, who has arrived at the site shortly after the incident, has harshly condemned this protest action, according to the RAI network.

The mayor of Venice, Luigi Brugnaro, has also expressed on social media his discomfort at an action he considers “very serious and shameful”, “it is legitimate to express discrepancies, but always with respect for the law and our cultural and religious heritage”, said Brugnaro, who criticized “vandalism” as a method of “finding solutions” in the field of the environment.

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