martes, 26 de diciembre de 2023

Three people die in an attack on a church in southern Nigeria


At least three people died in an attack carried out on Christmas Eve by unidentified armed people against participants in a mass in a church in the Nigerian town of Nkweagu, in the state of Ebonyi (south), as confirmed by the bishop of the diocese of Abakaliki, Peter Nworie.

Nworie has indicated that the assault was carried out in the Catholic Church of the Immaculate Conception round 11:30 p.m (local time), before denouncing that the attackers broke into the premises and killed three worshipers, in addition to injuring an undetermined number of people.

“This is the first time that such an incident has taken place in a church in Ebonyi state”, he lamented, while asking the population to pray for unity and progress in the state and in the entire African country as reported by the Nigerian state news agency, NAN.

The Nigerian authorities have not commented for now on who would have been behind the attack, amid an expansion of insecurity from the northeastern part of the country, where Boko Haram and its splinter, Islamic State in Central Africa (ISWA), operate to other parts of Nigeria.

In fact, more than 110 people have died and around 300 have been injured in a series attack carried out over the weekend in the state of Plateau, although local authorities have warned that the death toll could increase in the next few hours.

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